Day: July 25, 2023

Predict : Can you hear that?

Predict: Can you hear that?


Our predictions

Before reading

After reading


Hearing problems

Fishermen use sonar devices to mimic animals echolocation 

How we hear sounds 


Sound pitches

Elephants communicate with infrasonic sounds that allow them to hear and speak to each other 10 kilometres away

High frequency waves and Low frequency waves

Eardrums Healing ears People start to lose their hearing from a young age 

Dogs run away from vacuums not because they’re scared of it but because there is a high pitch sound that they can hear that we cant

Sciene kids activities – Questions About sounds

What are sound effects?

Sound effects is usually a synthetic sound that is not speech or music for use in a movie or broadcast.

When were sound effects first used?

According to google the first sound effect ever recorded was in the 18th century.

What is your favourite movie? How were the sound effects created for your favourite movie?

My favourite movie is Transformers the last knight. Most of the sound effects are made from everyday objects and cars, for example in some of the transformer movies they slammed car doors as the auto bots footsteps.

Why are sound effects important in movies?

Because it adds realism to the scenes